Diagrama de temas


    Technical English, febrero 2023

    Academic Oral and Written Communication


  • Bibliography

    It contains references to the recommended bibliography for the course.

    • ANDRADE, CHITARANJAN. “How to write a good abstract for a scientific paper or conference presentation”. Indian Journal of Psychiatry 53.2, 2011   172-175 p.
      BAILEY, STEPHEN. "The Essentials of Academic Writing for International Students". London: Routledge, 2015.
      BONAMY, DAVID. "Technical English 4. Coursebook & Workbook". Pearson Education (Grammar Appendix), 2015.
      BRIEGER, NICK. "Technical English: Vocabulary and Grammar". London: Summertown Publishing, 2005.
      CANAGARAJAH, A. SURESH. "Critical Academic Writing and Multilingual Students". University of Michigan, 2002.
      CAPLAN, NIGEL E. "Grammar Choices for Graduate and Professional Writers". University of Michigan, 2019.
      CARBAJOSA PALMERO, REA RIZZO. "Technical English for Telecommunications". UPCT, 2010.
      FAVA, AMANDA. "TASK: Transferable Academic Skills Kit". Garnet Education, 2016.
      GURAK, L. J. "Oral Presentations for Technical Communication". (Part of the Allyn & Bacon Series in Technical Communication), 2000.
      HINKELL, ELI. "Teaching Academic L2 Writing". London: Routledge, 2020.
      HOGUE, ANNE. "Writing Academic English". London: Longman, 2005.
      POWELL, MARK. "Dynamic Presentations". Cambridge: Cambridge, 2012.
      SOWTON, CHRIS. "50 Steps to Improving Your Grammar". Garnet Education, 2016.
      VICARY, ANNE. "English for Academic Study: Grammar for Writing". Garnet Education, 2014.
      ZEMACH, DOROTHY E., LISA A. RUMISEK. "Academic Writing: From Paragraph to Essay". London: Macmillan, 2005.
      MOOC, "What Makes an Effective Oral Presentation?" (www.futurelearn.com)

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