Topic outline


    Technical English, febrero 2023

    Academic Oral and Written Communication


  • Introduction


    • Natalia Carbajosa Palmero
      Camino Rea Rizzo

      Departamento de Métodos Cuantitativos, Ciencias Jurídicas y Lenguas

      Titulación en la que se imparte: Grado en Ingeniería Telemática

      Febrero, 2023

    • Course Description

      This is a tailor-made course on oral and written academic communication skills and strategies, specifically designed for our academic community of UPCT engineering students.  It includes a special focus on the two main academic genres, oral and written, respectively: the oral presentation or conference lecture, and the research article, plus practical materials on new subgenres (digital writing) and specific tasks (CV drafting). The course proposes a wide variety of hand-on activities, while providing useful indications and sections for self-study. This way, we hope to provide undergraduate and graduate students in our Higher Education environment with a versatile tool for the improvement of their own academic proficiency, both in oral and in written communication


      By the end of the course, the students will be able to:

      1. Prepare and deliver an oral presentation that fulfills academic standards.
      2. Correctly apply pronunciation skills to their presentations such as word ending and use of key words.
      3. Hone their capacity to summarize and deliver academic content in an effective, TED-talk style.
      4. Identify different types of academic written genres and deploy the academic style (e.g. connectors, cautious language, nominalization) accordingly.

      Become familiarized with new digital writing genres

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