Diagrama de temas


    Technical English, febrero 2023

    Academic Oral and Written Communication


  • Syllabus

    • It contains the syllabus of the subject or course and the learning guide.

    • THEORY


      Part 1: Preparing and Delivering Oral Presentations in English

      1.1. Introduction
      1.2. The importance of pronunciation
      1.3. What makes a successful presentation?
      1.4. Developing an oral presentation
      1.5. Building rapport & body language in oral presentations 

      Part 2: Academic Written Communication in English

      2.1. Introduction to Academic and Professional Genres
      2.2. The Language of Academic Writing (Do’s and Don’ts)
      2.3. The Grammar of Academic Writing
      2.4. The Structure of Academic Writing
      2.5. Self-Revision and Self-Correction Tools for Academic Writing

      Part 3: Complementary materials

      3.1. APPENDIX 1: Checklist
      3.2. APPENDIX 2: Extra Exercises
      3.3. Key to Exercises Part 1
      3.4. Key to Exercises Part 2


      1. Definition of digital writing skills
      2. Examples of digital writing skills
      3. Looking closer at the genre
      4. Group contribution to digital writing
      5. Final assignment to digital writing
      6. Instructions for writing a CV

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