Commercial Law, diciembre 2012 (update febrero 2016)
Commercial Law, diciembre 2012 (update febrero 2016)
Lesson 1. Concepts and sources of commercial law
1.1. Problems in the definition of Commercial Law
1.2. Origin and historical evolution of Commercial Law
1.3. Concept of Commercial Law
1.4. Sources of Commercial Law
DIDACTIC UNIT 2. Enterprise and entrepreneurs
Lesson 2. Entreprise and entrepreneurs
2.1. Entrepreneurs
2.1.1. Acquisition of the legal status of entrepreneur
2.1.2. Registration in the Trade Register
2.1.3. Liabilities
2.2. Entrepreneurs’ collaborators
2.2.1. General delimitations
2.2.2. Dependent collaborators: employees
2.2.3. Independent collaborators
DIDACTIC UNIT 3. Company law
Lesson 3. Company law
3.1. Concept of company
3.2. Company operating agreement or company contract
3.3. Types of company
3.4. Types of trade companies
3.5. Company as a legal person
Lesson 4. Partnerships (Sociedades personalistas)
4.1. General partnership (Sociedad colectiva)
4.2. Limited partnership (sociedad comanditaria)
4.3. Cuentas en participación
Lesson 5. Corporate enterprises
5.1. Introduction
5.2. Concept and characteristics of public LLCs
5.3. Concept and characteristics of private LLCs
5.4. Concept and characteristics of partnerships limited by shares
Lesson 6. Foundation of corporate companies
6.1. Procedure. Public deed and articles of association
6.2. Companies "being incorporated" and irregular companies
6.3. Null companies
Lesson 7. Company assets, share capital and reserves
7.1. Share capital and company assets
7.2. Reserves
7.3. Contributions
Lesson 8. Shares and equity participations
8.1. Concept of shares and equity participations
8.2. Shares and equity participations as part of the share capital
8.3. Documentation
8.4. Shares as negotiable instruments: transfer of shares
8.5. Transfer of equity participations
Lesson 9. Partner´s legal status
9.1. Partner’s rights
9.2. Partner’s obligations
9.3. Right to withdraw and exclusion of partners
Lesson 10. Governing bodies
10.1. General meeting
10.2. Administrative body
Lesson 11: Amendments to the articles of association of a company
11.1. Amendments to the articles of association of a company: concept and requirements
11.2. Amendments with special regulations
Lesson 12. Conversion, merger and spin off of companies
12.1. Introduction
12.2. Conversions
12.3. Mergers
12.4. Spin-offs
Lesson 13. Dissolution, liquidation and extinction of companies
13.1. Dissolution
13.1.1. Causes
13.1.2. Requirements and procedure
13.1.3. Advertising
13.2. Liquidation
13.2.1. Liquidation bodies
13.2.2. Procedure
13.3. Extinction
DIDACTIC UNIT 4. Trade Securities
Lesson 14. Overview on trade securuties
14.1. Trade securities: concept and classification
14.2. Negotiable documents: bills of exchange, checks and promissory notes
Commercial Law by María del Mar Andreu Martí, Irene Escuin Ibáñez is licensed under a Creative Commons Reconocimiento-NoComercial-CompartirIgual 4.0 Internacional License.
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