Topic outline


    Introduction to Economícs, enero 2021

  • Introduction


    • Antonio García Sánchez
      Departamento de Economía, Contabilidad y Finanzas

      Maria del Mar Vázquez Méndez
      Departamento de Economía, Contabilidad y Finanzas

      Titulación en la que se imparte:
      Grado en Turismo
      Curso: 1º

      Enero, 2021

    • The contents of this course are:
      Concept of Economics and Economic models. The supply and demand, special reference to the tourist market. Consumer preferences and behavior to analyze tourism demand. Production, costs and supply, special reference to the tourist companies. Types of markets: competitive, monopoly and monopolistic competition. Market failures and State intervention. Main macroeconomic indicators, production, inflation and unemployment. Fiscal policy. Money and monetary policy. 

      It is an introductory course for students of the 1st year of the degree in tourism who have not received previous training in economics. 

      The expected results of the learning are: Apply the knowledge acquired, Interpret the basic principles of economics, Organize the relevant factors of demand, Identify the elements of supply, Differentiate the types of market, Locate market failures and the intervention of the state. Understand the relationships between the main economic aggregates. Interpret and reason the decisions of fiscal and monetary policy.

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